So there are a couple of songs that are like bee's in my bonnet right now that I just have to get out an post. They don't fit the 'Arcadia' criteria SO they are going to get posted here!
First off is by RSD called "Love Of Jah Light". It's beautiful shimmering dubstep that sounds like Bexar Bexar... something you listen to on the beach (or something you listen to to REMIND you of the beach.
RSD- "Love Of Jah Light"
PLEASE DELETE THAT SONG WITHIN THREE DAYS! It is for promotional purposes and is just to try to help expose you guys to new stuff. If you like the album PLEASE buy it over at eMusic or any other retailer that sells awesome shit like RSD. I mean, I (probably not unlike you) had the Burial album before it came out... and I just downloaded it on eMusic. Why would I do that if I already had a copy? Because we have to show the industry that we LOVE music and want to support a system where free songs make you want to buy the album. We have to show them that a place like eMusic (where you can get songs for roughly a quarter or less) works as opposed to $20 an album at Barnes & Noble. So please purchase songs you hear on this site (or any site) that you enjoy if you get them for free. This goes for this song and the next song and all the ones that follow...
Second thing that I'm REALLY into is this new shit by Muscles. Everyone knew it was going to be fire because it was coming out on Modular but we seriously have a totally awesome hybrid of Cut Copy/The Streets now that hetero males won't be afraid to be caught listening to. I'm going to post a good song I think won't be a single as opposed to "Marshmallows" which I think the label would make us take down (because it's THAT GOOD)!
Muscles- "My Friend Richard"
Muscles- "My Friend Richard" YSI
ON ANOTHER NOTE... we created a new group over at Facebook called 'State Crime Future Music Group' to help share the music wealth, videos from shows we've gone to, mixes we've heard or recorded, and stuff like that! Hopefully we'll get some awesome shit up there and get Facebook all rowdy... let you know where the parties are at cuz lol...
If the forum thing is more to you liking then peep State Crime Future Music Forum that we created through phpbb! That's going to be a CLOSED community soon... so if you're down with us get in quick through the back door before we put the velvet ropes up! That's where shit is really going to be popping off (outside of here, of course)... we've also got a Google group (the link is in the margin to your right) but that shit is still WAY under construction. Join if you like and see how it progresses...